Thursday, August 12, 2010


Hello. My name is Peter Saathoff. I am 14 years old. I made this blog a couple years ago, back when I used Windows XP (OMG???) because I was bored. I sit here now and think back to then, and think about this blog back then. It was mainly a thing for me to test simple strings of html in and just goof around with. I have decided to start writing on here again.

I will write a post on here every day, as long as I have internet access (I'll explain later in this post). I'll post things happening in my life, links to interesting things on the internet that I happen to come across, and links to my other creations and such that I have put out there on the interwebz.

Oh, and about the internet access thing, I'll start off by saying that in two days I am going backpacking for a couple of days, which means that I won't post on here for a couple days.